What Is It For

External Web Logs

We give you access logs with simple html copy/paste into every page you want to track. Screen resolution, plugins, fonts installed. Know all about your visitors!

Fraud Protection

Extensive logs let you know more info about your visitors. Give your fraud control more data to act on! Identify visitors by the multitude of data we collect.

Simplify 2FA

Your user’s passwords get stolen? Require second factor authentication on sign in attempts only from unknown devices.


Debug your Web applications where you have more info on your hands. Your Q&A and Development can have more information about each case.


Men who wish to know about the world must learn about it in its particular details.


Where Do I Start

Step 1

Register (takes few seconds), and grab your API link.

Step 2

Copy/paste html code below into web pages you want to track. Just before the </body> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://n1.visitor.info/static/client.js?api=your_api_key_name"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var visitorCallback = function(data) {
    var visitor = new Visitor();

Step 3

Pull API for request IDs (rid from JavaScript callback) you want to know the details for.


Here is an example info your can expect on every visitor: